
The Institute

The mission of the C G Jung Institute of Chicago is to advance Analytical Psychology through training analyststeaching clinicians, and engaging diverse communities to foster personal transformation and social renewal.

When and how was the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago organized?
We were originally incorporated in 1976 to support our mission as an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes. Originally in Evanston, the Institute now lives at the Monadnock Building in the loop.

Class sizes are small, held in our beautiful smart conference room in the historic Monadnock building

What resources does the Institute provide?

We provide an array of resources including the Analyst Training Program, the Jungian Psychotherapy/Studies ProgramContinuing Education Programs for Professionals, Educational and Cultural Programs for the General Public, the Institute Library, and the Audio/Video Archive.

The C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago is approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation to provide continuing education credit to psychologists, social workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists.

Certification of the C G Jung Institute to train analysts is granted by the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP). The Institute is accredited as a psychoanalytic training institute by the American Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis, Inc (ABAP). The Institute is approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to offer continuing education (CE) courses and workshops for psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors. The Institute maintains responsibility for the programs and their content.

C. G. Jung

Carl Gustav Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist, and founder of analytical psychology. Jung met Sigmund Freud in 1907, and became the first president of the International Psychoanalytic Association when it was formed. He broke with Freud in 1912, when Jung published his revolutionary Psychology of the Unconscious, which postulated two dimensions of the unconscious — the personal (repressed or forgotten content of an individual’s mental and material life), and what he termed the collective unconscious (those acts and mental patterns shared either by members of a culture or universally by all human beings). Under certain conditions these manifest themselves as archetypes — images, patterns, and symbols that are often seen in dreams or fantasies and that appear as themes in mythology, religion, and fairy tales. In Psychological Types (1921) Jung elucidated extroversion and introversion. He held the most significant task for any person to be the achievement of harmony between the conscious and the unconscious. The definitive edition of his collected works in English translation was published between 1951 and 1979.

Analytical Psychology

In 1913, the year when Jung left the psychoanalytic movement, he used the term analytical psychology to identify what he called a new psychological science seen by him as having evolved out of psychoanalysis. At a later date, when he was firmly established in his own right, he referred to the ’psychoanalytic method’ of Freud and the ‘individual psychology’ of Adler, and said that he preferred to call his own approach ‘analytical psychology’ by which he meant a general concept embracing both, as well as other endeavors.

Jung always asserted that his psychology was a science and empirically based. Therefore, in general usage today, analytical psychology embraces theory, writing, and research as well as psycho-therapeutic practice. The international professional association of Jungian analysts is called the International Association for Analytical Psychology.

Jung’s statements on theory and method are now compiled and available in some twenty volumes of the Collected Works along with separate collections of correspondence, remembrances and interviews, as well as biographical writings. A short definition of précis of each of the main ideas of analytical psychology was printed as part of Psychological Types in 1921. These include the definitions of psychic energy which Jung saw as having its source in the instincts, otherwise being comparable to and governed by the same principles as physical energy, with the exception that psychic energy has not only a cause but also an aim; the unconscious viewed as complementary to consciousness and functioning both as a repository of former personal experiences as well as universal images, referring to the way in which the unconscious communicates itself to consciousness, revealing the latent imagery which underlies and motivates an individual by way of the complex and evident in attitudes, actions, choices, and dreams as well as illnesses; the human psyche constellated in sub-personalities or archetypal representations identifiable as Persona, Ego, Shadow, Anima, Animus, Wise Old Man, Great Mother and the Self; finally, Individuation seen as the process which in the course of a lifetime leads a person to a unification of his personality which is expressive of his basic wholeness. These are the underlying precepts upon which a psychotherapy has developed which employs a synthetic and hermeneutic as opposed to reductive approach.

Jung also wrote extensively in the field of the psychology of religion. At different times in his life he was interested in paranormal phenomena, individual typology, and alchemy as well as other more widespread cultural subjects. Hence, analytical psychology has become a term of wide-ranging application as well as of professional significance.

Andrew Samuels, Bani Shorter and Fred Plaut. A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis, Routledge: New York, 1986, pp. 21-22.

The inherited part of the PSYCHE; structuring patterns of psychological performance linked to INSTINCT; a hypothetical entity irrepresentable in itself and evident only through its manifestations. The archetype is a psychosomatic concept, linking body and psyche, instinct and image. This was important for Jung since he did not regard psychology and imagery as correlates or reflections of biological drives. His assertion that images evoke the aim of the instincts implies that they deserve equal place.
Archetypal patterns wait to be realized in the personality, are capable of infinite variation, are dependent upon individual expression and exercise a fascination reinforced by traditional or cultural expectation; and, so, carry a strong, potentially overpowering charge of energy which it is difficult to resist (someone’s ability to do so being dependent upon his stage of development all being dependent upon his stage of development and state of CONSCIOUSNESS). Archetypes arouse AFFECT, blind one to realities and take possession of WILL. To live archetypally is to live without limitations (INFLATION). To give archetypal expression to something, however, may be to interact consciously with the COLLECTIVE, historic image in such a way as to allow opportunities for the play of intrinsic polarities: past and present, personal and collective, typical and unique.

All psychic imagery partakes of the archetypal to some extent. That is why dreams and many other psychic phenomena have numinosity. Archetypal behaviours are most evident at times of crisis, when the EGO is most vulnerable. Archetypal qualities are found in SYMBOLS and this accounts in part for their fascination, utility and recurrence. GODS are METAPHORS of archetypal behaviors and myths are archetypal ENACTMENTS. The archetypes can neither be fully integrated nor lived out in human form. Analysis involves a growing awareness of the archetypal dimensions of a person’s life.

Andrew Samuels, Bani Shorter and Fred Plaut. A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis, Routledge: New York, 1986, pp. 26-28.

The notion of a complex rests on a refutation of monolithic ideas of ’personality’. We have many selves as we know from experience. Though it is a considerable step from this to regarding a complex as an autonomous entity within the psyche, Jung asserted that ’complexes behave like independent beings’ (CW para. 253). He also argued that ’there is no difference in principle between a fragmentary personality and a complex… complexes are splinter psyches’ (CW 8, para. 202).
It is also important to remember that complexes are quite natural phenomena which develop along positive as well as negative lines. They are necessary ingredients of psychic life. Provided the ego can establish a viable relationship with a complex, a richer and more variegated personality emerges. For instance, patterns of personal relationship may alter as perceptions of others undergo shifts.

In analysis, use may be made of personifications arising from complexes; the patient may ‘name’ the various parts of himself. Current interest in the theory of complexes arises from its usefulness in describing how the emotional events of earlier life become fixed and operative in the adult psyche.
A complex is a collection of images and ideas, clustered round a core derived from one or more archetypes, and characterized by a common emotional tone. When they come into play (become ’constellated’), complexes contribute to behavior and are marked by affect whether a person is conscious of them or not.

They are particularly useful in the analysis of neurotic symptoms.

Andrew Samuels, Bani Shorter and Fred Plaut. A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis, Routledge: New York, 1986, pp. 33-35.

On his map of the psyche, Jung was at pains to distinguish the place of the ego from that assigned to it by Freud. He perceived it to be the center of consciousness but he also stressed the limitations and incompleteness of ego as being something less than the whole personality. Though the ego is concerned with such matters as personal identity, maintenance of the personality, continuity over timed mediation between conscious and unconscious realms, cognition and reality testing, it also has to be seen as responsive to the demands of something superior. This is the Self, the ordering principle of the entire personality. The relation of the self to the ego is compared to that of ’the mover to the moved’.

Initially, the ego is merged with the self but then differentiates from it. Jung describes an interdependence of the two: the Self provides the more holistic view and is therefore supreme, but it is the function of ego to challenge or fulfill the demands of that supremacy. The confrontation of ego and Self was identified by Jung as characteristic of the second half of life. Jung’s tendency to equate ego with consciousness makes it difficult to conceptualize unconscious aspects of ego structure, e.g. defenses. Consciousness is the distinguishing characteristic of the ego but this is proportional to unconsciousness. In fact, the greater the degree of ego-consciousness, the greater the possibility of sensing what is not known. Ego’s task in relation to shadow is to recognize it and integrate it rather than splitting it off via projection.
So far as psychopathology is concerned, there are a number of recognizable dangers: (1) That the ego will not emerge from its primary identity with the self and hence be unable to meet the demands of the outer world. (2) That the ego will become equated with the Self, leading to an inflation of consciousness. (3) That the ego may take up a rigid and extreme attitude, forsaking reference to the Self and ignoring the possibility of movement via the transcendent function. (4) That the ego may not be able to relate to a particular complex because of the tension engendered. This leads to the splitting off of the complex and its dominating the life of the individual. (5) That the ego may be overwhelmed by an inner content arising out of the unconscious. (6) That the inferior function may remain unintegrated and unavailable to the ego, leading to grossly unconscious behavior and a general impoverishment of the personality.

Andrew Samuels, Bani Shorter and Fred Plaut. A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis, Routledge: New York, 1986, pp. 50-52.

The term derives from the Latin word for the mask worn by actors in classical times. Hence, persona refers to the mask or face a person puts on to confront the world. Persona can refer to gender identity, a stage of development (such as adolescence), a social status, a job, or profession. Over a lifetime, many personas will be worn, and several may be combined at any one time.

Jung’s conception of the persona is of an archetype, meaning in this context that there is an inevitability and ubiquity to persona. In any society, a means of facilitating relationship and exchange is required; this function is partly carried out by the personas of the individuals involved. Different cultures will establish different criteria for persona, and there will be alteration and evolution over time since the underlying archetypal pattern is susceptible to infinite variation. Sometimes, the persona is referred to as the ‘social archetype’, involving all the compromises appropriate to living in a community.

Andrew Samuels, Bani Shorter and Fred Plaut. A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis, Routledge: New York, 1986, p. 107.

Collected Works
The Collected Works comprise the writings of Carl Jung to date. Please see them here under Bibliography for a complete list of these writings.

The Philemon Foundation is preparing for publication the Complete Works of C.G. Jung in English and German. In distinction to the widely known Collected Works, it is intended that the Complete Works will comprise manuscripts, seminars, and correspondence previously unpublished or believed “lost.”

Jungianthology Radio & Blog

Jungianthology Radio is home to a variety of podcasts that range from archival seminar recordings (Institute Archives), to interviews (Jung in the World) to discussion on film (Healing Cinema), fairy tales (Jungian Ever After), and our programs.

The Jungianthology Blog shares essays, articles, video, audio, and other resources by members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts and other groups that support the education and development of our community.

The views and opinions expressed in the podcasts and blog posts are those of the respected speakers or authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.

Continuing Education

The C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago is licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to provide CEs for licensed mental health clinicians (PhD, PsyD, LPC, LCPC, LMFT, LCSW). If you reside outside of Illinois, check with your licensing board to see if they accept credits from the IDFPR.

CEs for public programs are now handled by our CE Course system and will be available in your account after the event (learn more). CEs for the JPP are emailed at the end of each trimester. CEs for the ATP are emailed at the end of the year.

Since the introduction of our online CE Course system, we no longer issue CEs for past attendance. CEs for live public programs must be purchased before the event. CE fees are not refundable after the event and no credit is given for partial attendance.

CE Courses

CE courses are available on our website using a standard online course infrastructure. Users can register for courses and completion is handled either via attendance tracking (for some live events) or quizzes.

Upon registering for the CE course, it will be added to your My Account > Courses page. The link will also be emailed to you. To complete a course, you will be asked to pass a quiz, or an administrator will verify attendance. Upon completing a course, a link to download your CE document will appear on the course page and on your My Account > Courses page.

You can always quickly get to your courses using the link in the account menu.

Because an account is required to register for a CE course, you cannot purchase a self-study course for someone else.

CE Quizzes

For Self-Study CE Courses, you’ll need to pass a quiz before you can receive your CEs. To get to the quiz, go to My Account > Courses, click on the course, and scroll to the bottom to take the quiz.

FAQ & Troubleshooting

The CE Course System uses the First Name and Last Name in your My Account > Account Details to fill in the certificate and can be edited there. Your address can be corrected in My Account > Address.

After you’ve made the change, click the Download Certificate button on the course page and you’ll receive an updated certificate.

The name on your certificate is tied to your account name, not your ticket name, for a couple reasons:

  1. Not all CE Courses use tickets
  2. You may buy an event ticket for someone else, but the CE Certificate needs to live in their account and use their information. If the ticket is in your account, your guest’s account does not have access to the name on that ticket, so must use a name their account will always have access to. That is also why you can buy a ticket for someone else, but not CEs.

The Account First and Last Name is created in your first purchase using the Billing First and Last Name on the transaction, so if you bought a ticket and CEs for a live CE course, the name on the certificate will be the Billing Name, not the name on the ticket. 

When people use a credit card with a different billing name than their own, it can create a mismatch. If this happens, edit your name on the My Account > Account Details page, go back to the course, and open your certificate again.

CE courses and credit must be tied to an account, so your guest must have an account to receive CEs. If they don’t have an account, they will need to create one.

Once they have an account, they can go to the event page and purchase the “CE’s Only” option to add CEs for the event to their account.

Licensing boards require that clinicians engage in continuing education and CEs, CEUs, and CE Credits must be submitted regularly. 

The Institute is approved by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists (License No. 268000106), Social Workers and Clinical Social Workers (License No. 159-000215), Marriage and Family Therapists (License No. 168-000123), Professional Counselors and Clinical Professional Counselors (License No. 197-000022).

Course feedback surveys are 100% optional. They do not affect CE credit.

Feedback surveys are used by program planners and instructors to learn about how a course was experienced and received. They are optional and not connected to CEs.

Quizzes are used to validate students’ completion of a course. If a course has a quiz, it must be completed before a student can receive CEs.

Unfortunately, no. According to the IDFPR, video and audio are considered “Self-Study” CE credit and receive a different type of credit than in-person programs and receive different certificates. To receive credit for an in-person program, you must attend all sessions unless otherwise noted.

For live events, it depends on whether the event uses an sign-in sheet or a quiz to validate completion of the course. Whether we use a sign-in sheet or a quiz depends on logistics and staffing, and it will be marked on the registration page and in emails leading up to the event.

If using a quiz, the quiz will be available immediately after an event and once you complete it, you’ll receive your CE certificate.

If using a sign-in sheet, it can take up to two weeks for the sheet to be archived, reviewed, and for the website to be updated. You will receive an email when your CEs are ready for download. If you are facing a CE deadline and need them sooner, email [email protected]

No. The Institute is approved by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists (License No. 268000106), Social Workers and Clinical Social Workers (License No. 159-000215), Marriage and Family Therapists (License No. 168-000123), Professional Counselors and Clinical Professional Counselors (License No. 197-000022).

You will need to contact your licensing board and ask if they accept credits from a CE sponsor licensed by the state of Illinois.

The Institute is approved by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation to sponsor continuing education for Psychologists (License No. 268000106), Social Workers and Clinical Social Workers (License No. 159-000215), Marriage and Family Therapists (License No. 168-000123), Professional Counselors and Clinical Professional Counselors (License No. 197-000022).

If you have any other questions, email [email protected].


Many of our members use Dearborn Parking (412 S Dearborn – between Van Buren and Congress). To find the best parking deal, use a parking app like SpotHero


The Institute, at the corner of Dearborn and Jackson, is within 1 block of the CTA red, blue, green, brown, purple, orange, and pink lines. The CTA blue line connects directly to O’Hare Airport and the Orange line connects to Midway Airport. We are also within a 15-minute walk (or short bus ride on the Jackson bus) from Union Metra Station. Use Google Maps to find the best route.


Membership is a new program instituted in 2015 that allows members of the public and Professional Affiliates, who have completed the Jungian Psychotherapy/Studies Program, to become Members of the Institute with limited privileges. These include:

How does it work?

The membership fee is $120. Memberships last one year from the date purchased. You will receive notification emails 30 days and 10 days before your membership expires asking you to renew. Instructions for how to check your membership expiration date are at the bottom of this page.


Members receive a 20% discount on programs and audio/video downloads. Once you purchase your membership, your membership will automatically be applied. Discounts will be applied by the store automatically. Training Programs and some public programs do not have member pricing. Please look closely at course fees to see if a member discount is available.

Is the membership fee tax-deductible?

Yes. The Institute is a 501c3 so the membership fee is tax-deductible, minus the value of benefits you receive. More information here: IRS Publication 526, Charitable Contributions.

Library & Catalog

The Institute library holds hundreds of books related to analytical psychology and theses by graduates of the Analyst Training Program. The library is available as a resource to Candidates in the Analyst Training Program and students in the Jungian Psychotherapy and Jungian Studies Programs. The catalog of library books and Analyst theses is available online.



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