Institute Archive

Institute Archive | Excerpt: A Fresh Look at the Red Book with George Bright

This episode is a short excerpt from the first session of our currently-running salon series, “A Fresh Look at The Red Book: Reading the Liber Novus with Jungian Psychoanalysts”. The salon series runs from January through June, and registration remains open. Those who register will receive a link to videos of previous sessions to catch up.

George Bright will also be visiting the US in May for an in-person seminar, Where Did Jung’s Red Book Come From and Why Does it Matter?. Join us for this rare opportunity.


Institute Archive | Hero and Heroine: The Mythic Dimension in Times of Transition and Growth with Jean Shinoda Bolen


This episode is the first part of the series Hero & Heroine: The Mythic Dimension in Times of Transition & Growth (the full series is available for purchase on our website). From the seminar description:

Jean Shinoda Bolen leads a workshop which offers an appreciation of how myth, legend, poetry, and contemporary stories provide insights that are meaningful in ordinary life, with particular attention given to those times in a person’s life when major changes are occurring.


Institute Archive | Women’s Spirit: The Fire Within with Jean Shinoda Bolen

This episode is the first part of the series Women’s Spirit: The Fire Within (the full series is available for purchase on our website). From the seminar description:

Fire as a feminine aspect is the central image of this workshop by Jungian analyst and author Jean Shinoda Bolen. Fire takes many forms in our imagination, dreams, metaphors, and in our life experiences. We think of hearth fire, campfire, creative fire, passionate fire, consuming fire, destructive fire, transforming fire, wildfire, Pentecostal fire, fire signs, fiery redheads, fire-breathing dragons and firewalks. We fight fire with fire and go through the fire; our fire is put out, rekindled, and dampened: we can be fired up, flare up, burnt up, and burned out. We tend the fire and keep the homefires burning. Fire as a feminine quality is about spirit, energy, and intensity, about warmth and illumination, about rage and outrage. Inner fire is reflected in our work, in our relationships, and in the activist and feminist stances we take in the world. Using poetry and a guided meditation, Dr. Bolen’s workshop helps the listener gain insights into herself and find her personal symbols.


Institute Archive | Chrysalis: The Psychology of Transformation with Marion Woodman (Rebroadcast)

For the second episode of Marion Woodman Month, we’re rebroadcasting the very first episode of Jungianthology, Chrysalis: The Psychology of Transformation. In this lecture, Toronto analyst Marion Woodman explores the body/spirit relationship, the withdrawing of projection, gender issues, and the surrender of the ego to the Self as these themes relate to personal transformation.

Marion Woodman was a Canadian mythopoetic author and women’s movement figure. She was a Jungian analyst trained at the C. G. Jung Institute in Zürich, Switzerland. She was one of the most widely read authors on feminine psychology, focusing on psyche and soma. She was also an international lecturer and poet. Woodman is author of Addiction to Perfection and The Ravaged Bridegroom

Marion Woodman Book List

If you’re interested in Marion Woodman, you may like Soul in Exile, available in our store.


Institute Archive | The Warrior Within: A Study in Masculine Psychology with Robert Moore, PhD

This episode is the first session of the series The Warrior Within: A Study in Masculine Psychology, a classic seminar in his series on the four major archetypes of masculine psychology as he understood them: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. From the seminar description:

The Warrior is the archetype of self-disciplined, aggressive action. If Warrior energy is not accessed properly, a man may find himself caught up in cruel or self-destructive behavior. The mature Warrior, however, will be energetic, decisive and persevering in reaching his goals.  The course is divided into the following four topics:

• The Warrior in myth, folklore and religion
• The Warrior’s role in masculine creativity and leadership
• Psychopathology of the Warrior
• Creating the “Rainbow Warrior”: resources for healing the Warrior


Institute Archive | Edith Rockefeller McCormick: Philanthropist, Intellectual, Analyst

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we are sharing the seminar and panel discussion “Edith Rockefeller McCormick: Philanthropist, Intellectual, Analyst” in its entirety. The first hour is a presentation by Andrea Friederici Ross, author of Edith: The Rogue Rockefeller McCormick, followed by reflections by Kennon McKee, PhD, Jungian analyst and Victoria Drake, PhD, that opens up for general discussion.


Institute Archive | Jung & the Environment with Dennis Merritt

We are sharing the webinar “Jung & the Environment” in full. The video version is available on YouTube.

Many believe we are in the Anthropocene Era, an era marked by the planet-wide influence of our species. The field of ecopsychology emerged in the early 1990s as a belated response from the psychological community to address the cascading effects of human-created environmental damage. Jungian ecopsychology offers one of the best frameworks for analyzing our dysfunctional relationship with the environment—and with each other—through an archetypal analysis of the layers of the collective unconscious. Jung was deeply connected with his native Swiss soil that was reflected in the ecological aspects of his conceptual system and his interest in alchemy as his main symbol system. Ecology begins with our relationship with “the little people” in our dreams and dreams can be used to help us connect deeply to the land using Hillman’s concept of Aphrodite as the Soul of the World. In 1940 Jung foretold a paradigm shift that he labeled a “new age” and “Aquarian Age”. The new paradigm will be based on ecological concepts and reflected in the economic system being developed by the sustainable economists. We must think in these terms as a species if there is any hope of averting a planetary nightmare. 


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About Jungianthology

Jungianthology Radio is home to a variety of podcasts that range from archival seminar recordings (Institute Archives), to interviews (Jung in the World) to discussion on film (Healing Cinema), fairy tales (Jungian Ever After), and our programs.

The Jungianthology Blog shares essays, articles, video, audio, and other resources by members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts and other groups that support the education and development of our community.

The views and opinions expressed in the podcasts and blog posts are those of the respected speakers or authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.



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