COVID-19 Pandemic

Stefano Carpani | Covid-19: Psychosocial Perspectives: Conversation with Andrew Samuels

Making no claim for psychology as a solution to anything, Prof. Andrew Samuels and Stefano Carpani discussed a wide range of psychosocial (and more personal) questions. They spoke about the struggle that is to come when some of us refuse to countenance a return to normality. The grim possibility was raised that many people are attracted to apocalypse – and that there can be little hope without acceptance and embrace of risk.

Andrew Samuels is a Jungian analyst, university professor, author, activist and political consultant. He is well known for his work at the interface of psychotherapy and politics. His work on sexuality, relationships, spirituality, men and fathers has been widely appreciated. He is a former Chair of the UK Council for Psychotherapy, co-founder of Psychotherapists and Counselors for Social Responsibility and of the Alliance for Counselling and Psychotherapy. His many books have been translated into 19 languages.

Links: Stefano’s YouTube Channel | Stefano’s Website | Andrew Samuels’s page and recorded lectures on the C. G, Jung Institute of Chicago Website | Andrew Samuels’s Website | All COVID-19 related posts

Research Study | Share Your Dreams

Ronnie Landau, MA, LPC, Jungian Psychoanalyst, is collecting dreams and participants may gain from sharing and reflecting. She writes:

Our mission is to assemble a worldwide database of dreams in order to thoughtfully engage with the images and themes collected. The thrust of the study is to better understand the unconscious during these highly stressful and unique times.

All dreams are welcome. And specifically, if you have had dreams that seem related to the current pandemic, and or dreams that may reflect the chaos and turmoil in the current ethos, please contribute them to the survey. It is completely anonymous.

Please share the survey link with friends, family, other colleagues, and even patients (when appropriate) in an effort to assemble a large and diverse sampling of dreams.

Thank you for participating in this meaningful project. Feel free to email us if you have any further questions (contact information in the survey). Be safe and well.

ARAS | Art in a Time of Global Crisis: Interconnection and Companionship

The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism has launched a free virtual exhibition in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. From their press release:

ARAS and the Art and Psyche Working Group, in collaboration, have developed a new project, “Art in a Time of Global Crisis: Interconnection and Companionship,” as an international outreach through art. Our goal is to create a network of mutual support through art during this difficult time. Colleagues and friends from around the world, representing various cultures, geographical locations and life-styles, have been invited to contribute artistic images with commentaries that represent companionship, resilience and hope in the face of threat, fear and struggle. We plan to post one new offering each day (Monday-Friday) in our curated โ€œvirtual gallery.โ€ With a consistent presence of art that expands with each new contribution, we hope to weave a web of interconnectedness during this current time of global upheaval.

Adina Davidson | Two Jungiansโ€™ Thoughts from the Quarantine

These are some notes from a conversation with Lisa Maechling Debbeler, JD, MA, LPCC about the nature of being a therapist/analyst in a time of quarantine. We began talking on Saturday March 21, 2020 at the beginning of the shut down and are continuing to talk weekly. We were both continuing to work and trying to see as many of our clients/analysands as possible through Zoom or other virtual methods. We were both finding this both unexpectedly and expectedly difficult and wanted to share our experiences with colleagues and friends that we respect.

First, we both were finding that conducting therapy/analysis virtually was shockingly exhausting and so were almost all of our colleagues. We had certain expectations of our ability to be productive between clients and found that both of us were staring vaguely into space or aimlessly snacking rather than taking a note, making a phone call, doing some writing, eating lunch etc.  We were interested in whether there might be a Jungian perspective that might help inform our understanding if not help rectify it.

My initial stab was that we were missing the โ€œfieldโ€ that exists between analyst and analysand and is the container for much of the therapy. Not only in the sense of the quasi-mystical field of collective unconscious and synchronicity but in the simple physiological data that we gather about each other unconsciously. The micro shifts in facial expression, the half-heard sighs or in breaths, the subtle changes in body language. All of this is missing or limited when we view each other through a computer screen. Our conscious egoic self must carry all the burden of the communication with no help from our instinctive or intuitive understanding of what the person is communicating non-verbally.


Freddie Taborda | A Symbolic Meaning of Corona Virus: An Opinion (English/Espaรฑol)

What could be a psychological meaning of the corona virus?
Upon reflection, and without denying the frightening, tragic, and devastating effects that this virus is bringing to individuals, families, groups, and countries from around the world, some of the interpersonal isolating measures may help us find some value in solitude, silence, and introspection.
These three human experiences have a positive aspect in terms of connecting with our inner lives and the mystery of life. However, for some people, these experiences may be unbearable.
Now that you will be spending more time at home, consider the possibility of cultivating those three experiences. Solitude may open up the opportunity to be with your Self, with the images, feelings, and thoughts that come to your mind. A befriending of them may contribute to the processes of self-understanding and self-realization, if you chose to. Furthermore, silence may help to quiet down the racing thoughts of the civilized mind. Finally, a willing attitude towards introspection may open up the door to the hidden treasures that are within.
Let us not be surprised if, during these health-related and world-wide crisis, solitude, silence, and introspection awaken, every night, vivid dreams that seek a more meaningful and balanced life from us. Perhaps Nature may be forcing us, through this virus, to a greater connection to our inner lives and to the divine mystery of life.


Vladislav ล olc | Ode to COVID-19

Sit Covid bonus aut malus: quaestiล

Oh, you mighty and yet invisible, you weightless and yet so powerful.
You oh came to gently remind us all that thereโ€™s no one who can control your will.
Your gentle yet deathly stroke became the mankindโ€™s school,
Teaching us all how to feel, how to love, and also how to chill.

You slowed the time and made us be with those whom we always felt most free,
You showed us โ€œnow,โ€ you showed us โ€œhere,โ€ all we always craved
Gratitude, humility, what matters and how our souls are to be saved!

Perhaps by showing you know no borders, have no race nor gender,
By your mortal tap making rich and poor even,
You could take more, but youโ€™re generous and tenderโ€ฆ
Our pride took the Earth for granted, we asked no โ€œwhatโ€ but only โ€œwhen!โ€

We thought the health insurance was a privilege that protects us from those who cannot have it,
We thought some of us had special right just due to a special religion,
Youโ€™ve gently shown us how silly it was to think that some of us are immune from your hit.
Now, when powerless and in your prison, we acknowledge yours is timing, the scope and region!

You teach us that nature is us indeed; no, we are not her masters, but tiny childrenโ€ฆ that all we are just dust in the wind.
Your mighty wisdom has conveyed that truth matters because thereโ€™s no talking out the losses away.
Waking up this wayโ€ฆ remembering the lessonsโ€ฆ seeing connectionsโ€ฆ and inevitably getting your hint.
Now we see we lost the respect for animals and waters, and plants. The power of action rather than that of prayer.


Dennis Merritt | Covid-19: Inflection Point in the Anthropocene Era and the Paradigm Shift of Jungโ€™s New Age

The Covid-19 pandemic has created a unique moment in the history of our species. Something so small it takes an electron microscope to see is disrupting millions of lives and threatening the worldโ€™s economy. Frontline workers risk their lives trying to save patients who may die alone without friends or family at their sides. A virus, a strand of nucleic acid that highjacks the functioning of a cell to reproduce its unique viral form, is bringing our species to a near standstill. Despite the wonders of science, technology, and economic systems we can still be humbled by nature, indeed, by a strand of nucleic acid. It is crucial how we respond to the situation. What can we learn from it and how do we go forward?

We start with an adequate framing of the issue. This is a matter of life and death, which means it is in the most fundamental archetypal realm and requires an archetypal perspective. The fear of death from the pandemic is bringing a sense of immediacy and urgency on a planet-wide scale. Death cannot be separated from life, death makes us aware of the preciousness of life, and death confronts us with questions about the meaning of existence and our place in the bigger scheme of things. Death can bring an end to systems and beliefs that no longer support life and a healthy existence, and that could be the most important outcome of the present crisis.

The virus is demonstrating to what degree we are interconnected and how much we need each other. The forced social isolation and six-foot distancing has cut us off from intimate contacts and group experiences making us aware by absence how important we are to each other. The ghostly empty streets in otherwise bustling cities are eerie reminders that our systems are in shock at all levels. Like a nightmare that wakes us in the middle of the night, this shock is meant to shock us into a new awareness.

Our species needed to be shocked into an awareness that we have been barreling towards the edge of a cliff for many decades while showing no signs of being able to halt our โ€œprogressโ€. Well before Rachel Carsonโ€™s Silent Spring in 1962 and the first Earth Day in 1970, environmentalists have been warning us about overpopulation, destruction of natural habitats, loss of biodiversity, mining our lands with modern agricultural practices, collapsing ocean fisheries, etc. Greta Thunberg rallied millions of young people to demand action on climate change but powerful oil lobbies and vested political interests have been unmoved. The long term consequences of climate change will make any losses from a virus seem inconsequential, making this a moment for us to re-examine our fundamental relationships with each other and with the environment.


Ashok Bedi & Robert BJ Jakala | In the Eye of the Storm: An Individual Response to the Crisis

The following post is the first in a series of daily reflections on the COVID-19 pandemic by Jungian Psychoanalyst Ashok Bedi, MD & Jungian Psychotherapist Robert BJ Jakala, PhD. Dr. BJ Jakala is a photographer and Dr. Bedi and Dr. Jakala jointly amplify the image. The ongoing series is available on

Minding Our Nest โ€“ Our Vulnerable Humanity on a Fragile Planet

Often this work is wearisome and difficult, because it cannot be accomplished by intellectual shortcuts or moral recipes, but only by careful observation of the inner and outer conditions.

– C. G. Jung, The Symbolic Life : Miscellaneous Writings (1976, p. 617)

I woke up uncertain of what condition the world would be in and how I would face it. Before finding out what the outside would want, I sat quietly to check in with my internal world. I notice I am scared and need some courage. I remember a teacher long ago who said, โ€œFear is the embryo of courage. Courage is not born unless fear is present.โ€

I decide I need to act on tasks, familiar tasks, so I will feel a sense of influence and accomplishment rather than fear. I do some work out in the yard and notice how spring is here. None of the plants, butterflies, fruits, grasses or birds know about the Covid-19 virus. I begin to align with the natural feeling of spring. The work to care for my small piece of the planet helps me be more self-assured.

When my work is done, I go for a long walk and find a few people doing the same. Today when we made eye contact and said hello, there seems to be a deeper connection; a connection of โ€œwe are all in this together.โ€ It occurred to me how the threat of climate crises has brought some nations together to save the planet. It is during this time that nations might work together to save humanity. Perhaps the threat of a common enemy will help all of us see we are in this together.

When I came home from my walk, the memory of this photo came to mind. It demonstrates action to make things better. What do I bring home? How do I contribute to my nest? It reminds me that I can collect memories and bring them to the moment, memories that are useful to my internal and external home. I carry the smiles and acknowledgement while on my walk with me now. They are here in my house with me.

It is via Community that we will save our humanity. In the Buddhist tradition, there are three legs of the spiritual tradition: Buddha (Image of Self), Sangha (Community) and Dharma (Spiritual Purposefulness). When these three are aligned, we come into our Soul. When all of us honor our Spiritual purposefulness and support the Community effort, we become One World, UNUS Mundus. Then the effort of each one of us will collectively support ALL of us. In the Alchemic tradition, one plus one = 11. That is the Way.


Stefano Carpani | C. G. Jung, Covid-19 & Compensation: Conversation with John Beebe

John Beebe and Stefano Carpani reflect upon the traumatic experience of the Covid-19 pandemic in the context of Jungโ€™s conception of compensation as a psychologically disruptive process that is nonetheless a force of nature itself.

John Beebe, MD a physician specializing in psychotherapy, is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a past president of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. He is the author of Integrity in Depth, editor of C. G. Jung’s Aspects of the Masculine, and co-author of The Presence of the Feminine in Film. He is the founding editor of The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal (now titled Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche), and a was the first American co-editor of the London-based Journal of Analytical Psychology. An international lecturer is widely known for his work on psychological types, the psychology of moral process, and the Jungian understanding of film.

Links: Stefano’s YouTube Channel | Stefano’s Website | John Beebe’s page and recorded lectures on the C. G, Jung Institute of Chicago Website | All COVID-19 related posts

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology | Free Home-Study CE Webinars: Telehealth 101 and Online Pedagogy

UPDATE: As of 10/14/2020, these courses have been removed and do not appear in Google search results.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Institute of Professional and Continuing Studies at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology is sharing two free online self-paced home-study courses: Telehealth 101 and Best Practices in Online Pedagogy.

TCSPP is an approved provider of APA CEs and BBS California CEU’s for this training and format. In order to receive credit for these courses, participants must complete the entire training and complete a course evaluation and comprehension quiz. Participants must earn a passing score of 75% or higher on the quiz to receive an APA CE Certificate.

Telehealth 101
Presented by LoriAnn Stretch, PhD, Susan Foster, PhD, Rodney Harris, PhD, Tiffany C. Rush-Wilson, PhD
6.0 APA CEs for Psychologists or 6.0 BBS California CEUs for Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Counselors

Best Practices in Online Pedagogy
Presented By LoriAnn Stretch, PhD, and Susan Foster, PhD
2.0 APA CEs for Psychologists or 2.0 BBS California CEUs for Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Counselors

Courses are hosted by GoToStage, a free source of over 100,000 professional webinars in a variety of subjects. LEARN MORE

Sean Fitzpatrick | How We Meet a Pandemic (Lecture 2)

The second lecture in the series by Sean Fitzpatrick, PhD, LPC, executive director of the Jung Center, Houston, discussing COVID-19 and Albert Camus’s The Plague. It is separated into five parts/videos. To register for the rest of the series,ย CLICK HERE.

View all parts of Lecture 2 on YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

The Jung Center, Houston Links:ย Websiteย |ย Online Learning Pageย |ย YouTube Channel

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Jungianthology Radioย is home to a variety of podcasts that range from archival seminar recordings (Institute Archives), to interviews (Jung in the World) to discussion on film (Healing Cinema), fairy tales (Jungian Ever After), and our programs.

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