Analytical Psychology

Chrysalis: The Psychology of Transformation

with Marion Woodman155jpeg

Toronto analyst Marion Woodman explores the body/spirit relationship, the withdrawing of projection, gender issues, and the surrender of the ego to the Self as these themes relate to personal transformation.

woodman-marionMarion Woodman was a Canadian mythopoetic author and women’s movement figure. She was a Jungian analyst trained at the C. G. Jung Institute in ZürichSwitzerland. She was one of the most widely read authors on feminine psychology, focusing on psyche and soma. She was also an international lecturer and poet. Woodman is author of Addiction to Perfection and The Ravaged Bridegroom

For more lectures by Marion Woodman, click here.

Creative Commons License
© 1984 Marion Woodman. All rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Edited by Ben Law

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