Analyst Training Program


In our age of anxiety, questions of life’s meaning, concerns about an attitude to life, and the search for deep soulful connections are often at the heart of emotional struggles. The Analyst Training Program (ATP) of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago recognizes the nature of these issues in many individuals’ lives and trains experienced clinicians to be able to work interpersonally with people on such a search. The ATP training process envisions the transformation of these clinicians into people who are well connected to their own emotional life, have a grounded perspective on the nature of psychic life, and can relate empathically to the pain, struggles, delights and joys of other’s lives.

This four- to seven-year training program is grounded in the theoretical perspective of Analytical Psychology, which was initially conceptualized by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung and has been further developed by various international clinicians. It respects the complexity of our cognitive and emotional life, our individual psyche. It recognizes the energetic dynamic of the personal and the collective unconscious. It respects and engages the affects and powers of the archetypal/spiritual world so clearly acknowledged by world religions. Symbols and images as they appear in dreams, fantasies, drawings, sand-trays, and reverie are seen as dynamic communications from the unconscious that when embraced transform consciousness. It also recognizes the interference of personal complexes in living a mature, embodied life and identifies various ways to enable consciousness to mitigate their negative influence. Analytical Psychology provides a perspective unique to clinical training to work with complex psychological dynamics that requires the engagement with unconscious dynamics.

The Analyst Training Program is designed to make analytic training available to all qualified applicants. Our Hybrid Model training year allows training to fit into one’s professional life, with five (5) monthly weekend intensives online and four (4) in-person. The online ATP training weekends take place via Zoom. Our location in “the Loop” has convenient access to public transportation, both O’Hare and Midway airports, and both Ogilvie Transportation Center and Union Station (Amtrak/Metra trains and long-distance buses), and we have discount rates at Club Quarters Hotel. All classes and events are accessible.

The course instruction in the first four years of training occurs in nine (9) monthly training weekends, September through May, typically the second weekend of the month. The 3-day ATP training weekends span from Friday morning through Sunday afternoon during both the in-person and online weekends. Additional classes meet online on Fridays between monthly training weekends. Each month, a total of 22 hours are instructional. This schedule is designed to enable the practicing clinician to train, even when living at some distance from Chicago. Please see the Schedule section for details.

Upon completion of the training, the clinician is certified as a Jungian Psychoanalyst. ATP graduates are eligible for membership in the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts (CSJA), the National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP), and the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP). Please note: While graduation from the ATP at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago guarantees eligibility to apply for membership in the CSJA and the IAAP, we do not guarantee eligibility for membership in other Jungian Institutes that may have other requirements for membership.

The application deadline for beginning in September is the preceding January 15. For additional information, please see the Apply section.

Continuing Education (CE) credit is available for most class sessions. The Institute is approved by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation to provide CE credits for psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors. The C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Elements of the Training Program

The Analyst Training Program aims for the transformation of the clinician through a multi-year training experience which includes at least weekly personal analysis, weekly consultation (supervision), a personal evaluative process with monitoring committees throughout training, four years of course work totaling 700 hours, three sets of exams, two final Analytic Process Reports of 30–50 pages each, and a final Thesis of 50–100 pages.

Personal Analysis: The heart of the transformation and the training to be an analyst is the personal analysis. Here clinicians experience the workings of the psyche and the ability of the Self in analytic work to bring new life and energy. Here too clinicians discover and clarify the dynamics of their complexes, embrace vulnerability, and engage deep feelings. In analysis they become more authentically human as people and future analysts. Personal analysis can be done with any member of the International Association for Analytical Psychology.

Consultation (Supervision): In consultation, the interpersonal relationship of candidates with their clients/analysands and both individuals’ relationship with unconscious archetypal energies, including the Self, are closely observed, since these relationships are at the heart of the change process. Consultation is required weekly, beginning with Practice Consultation and moving toward Control Analysis in which two or three cases are followed weekly over a two- or three-year period. It is in the consultation that the theory of Analytical Psychology comes alive.

Evaluation: There are three monitoring committees, corresponding with the three stages of ATP training: the Admissions Committee, which meets with applicants and matriculated auditors in the Preliminary Stage; the Candidacy Committee with candidates in the Candidacy Stage; and the Certifying Committee with senior candidates in the Control Stage. Monitoring committees at each stage of training evaluate with the candidates their progress, noting the changes attained and the challenges requiring additional work. The focus is the personal growth of the candidate towards an analytic way of being. It is in the work with the monitoring committees that the candidates often feel more clearly seen and accepted for their strengths and their weaknesses. Both positive and negative shadow material, which was not previously seen, becomes known, enabling a more authentic presence in all relationships.

The Curriculum: Unique to the Chicago training program is a focus upon a systematic reading of the writings of Carl Jung, much of which are contained in The Collected Works, various published seminars, and Jung’s extensive correspondence. By the end of four years, candidates will have read most of his writings and will know how he developed his theory. A second track of courses comprise the Theory & Practice section of the Curriculum. This is a four-year sequence of courses on foundational, core, and advanced concepts in Analytical Psychology. A third track of the curriculum deals with various topics that are of interest to candidates and analyst instructors at the time. Finally, each training weekend includes an Analytic Process Colloquium and a Process Group. Because the same 10–15 candidates are in most courses, the learning environment is very personal and collegial. Often relationships are built that continue for the rest of their professional lives. For further information, please see the Curriculum section.

Class sizes are small, held in our beautiful smart conference room in the historic Monadnock Building.
About the Monadnock Building

Admissions Requirements

Admission to the Analyst Training Program: Applications for the Analyst Training Program are accepted any time up to the January 15 deadline for admission the following September. The Admissions Committee reviews and assesses all applicants on the basis of their personal maturity, psychological readiness, and academic ability to successfully engage professional training for the practice of Jungian psychoanalysis. Admissions requirements, which must be fulfilled by the application deadline, include:

1. A minimum of 100 hours of in-depth personal analysis with an IAAP-certified Jungian analyst within the past five years (25 of those hours must be face-to-face*; 75 hours may be via electronic media), and continuing analysis throughout the application period;

2. A basic knowledge of Analytical Psychology through reading and lectures;

3. Clinical experience practicing long-term psychotherapy beyond licensure;

4. State licensure in mental health in the jurisdiction in which the applicant practices, e.g., clinical psychologist (PhD or PsyD), psychiatrist (MD or DO), clinical social worker (LCSW), clinical professional counselor (LCPC), marriage and family therapist (LMFT), or psychiatric nurse (MSN).

*Due to COVID-19, we have temporarily suspended the requirement that at least 25 hours of analysis must be face-to-face.

Certification Requirements

1. Weekly personal analysis with an IAAP-certified Jungian analyst through all the years while in the ATP, including leaves of absences;

2. The completion of the Analyst Training Program’s four-year curriculum involving a minimum of 700 hours of class time;

3. Completion of a Candidacy Paper;

4. Weekly consultation throughout training totaling a minimum of 200 hours. Of those hours, 100 are required to be during the Control Stage. Fifty (50) hours of Control Analysis are to be dedicated to a single case with a single Control Analyst, and 25 hours are to be with a Control Analyst other than the one with whom the candidate has consulted most during the Control Stage (see Section 5 of the Analyst Training Program Handbook for the acceptable distribution of hours using electronic media). The other 25 hours may be with either of those Control Analyst, or with a different Control Analyst;

5. Attendance at all Analytic Process Colloquia, including attending 10 in person and the others by video conference, unless excused by the Director of Training;

6. Presentation of your analytic work with three analysands at three Analytic Process Colloquia while in the Control Stage;

7. The successful completion of an intermediate five-part exam (two written and three oral) on the theory and practice of Analytical Psychology, called the Propaedeuticum Exams;

8. The approval by each monitoring committee and the Training Committee that 1) their expectations of the candidate as articulated in their reports have been met satisfactorily, and 2) the candidate is advanced to the next stage;

9. The successful completion of the Analytic Process Exam and the Thesis Exam;

10. Payment of all required fees.

For additional details, please see the Analyst Training Program Handbook in the Handbook.


The Analyst Training Program curriculum is composed of five tracks:

1. The History and Development of Analytical Psychology

2. The Theory and Practice of Analytical Psychology

3. Topics in Analytical Psychology

4. The Process Group

5. The Analytic Process Colloquium

In addition, two Community Training Weekends are held each year, usually the December and May training weekends. Candidates are required to take all courses in the four-year curriculum, and are encouraged to continue participating in courses in subsequent years.

History and Development of Analytical Psychology

Unique among North American analyst training programs is this track in which the majority of Jung’s writings and their historical settings are discussed. This History and Development track explores the evolution of Analytical Psychology through a sustained and focused reading of Jung’s Collected Works as well as collateral works such as Jung’s published seminars and letters. In addition, Jung’s autobiography (Memories, Dreams and Reflections) and other biographies will be read. This track meets on the training weekend, plus an additional online session between the training weekends for a total of 4.5 hours each month.

Matriculated Auditors (first year candidates) participate in a foundational course, “The Matrix of Jung’s Thought,” as a separate seminar. Readings are drawn from the biographical roots of Jung’s perspective, his earlier writings, and those that offer an overview of basic concepts.

Candidates in their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years meet together in a History and Development seminar to discuss their reading. Readings are planned so that every candidate will read the majority of the Collected Works over the course of four years. Within each year, the readings will be arranged in the order that Jung wrote them. Because of the small number of candidates, the sequence of readings is rotated. Hence some candidates will read the 4th year selections before the 2nd year or the 3rd year selections.

The specific readings for this track can be found in the ATP Handbook section on curriculum.

The Theory and Practice of Analytical Psychology

This track and its four-year sequence of courses provide an integrated understanding of Jungian theory and practice, including analytic techniques and their application. Foundational, core, and advanced elements of Analytical Psychology are covered in a set of 12 courses extending across the first four years of training. These Theory and Practice courses meet for 7 hours on each training weekend. The candidate becomes acquainted with the major writers within Analytical Psychology and explores the central elements of an analytic practice.

  Year One Year Two Year Three Year Four
Foundational Courses Psychic Structure The Analytic Attitude The Complex Transference & Countertransference
Core Courses Archetypal Theory & Spirituality Dreams & Active Imagination Psychopathology in AP Eros & Sexuality in AP
Advanced Courses Significant Developments in AP since Jung Dissociation, Attachment, Affect Regulation and the Feeling Function Amplification & the Use of Fairy Tales, Mythology and Film Major Psychoanalytic Theories

A brief course description and a resource syllabus for each of these courses can be found in the ATP Handbook.

Topics Courses

The third track of courses is reserved for courses on specific topics of current interest to either analysts or candidates. For example, an analyst might present their current research and writing on a particular topic. The particular topics are chosen each year by the Director of Training in consultation with the Training Committee and the candidates. Topics that have been covered in recent years are Ritual and Improvisation; Group Consultation; Sand Tray Techniques and Theory; Art Modalities in Analysis; Goethe and Faust; Fairy Tales in Analysis; Cultural Complexes; and Religions of the World. Two topics courses are taught each month.

Analytic Process Colloquium

The Analytic Process (case) Colloquium focuses on the analytic process with one case presented by an advanced candidate to all of the other candidates. An analyst serves as a consultant and facilitator for the colloquium. All candidates attend all Analytic Process Colloquia while in training. After the four years of course work and the three required colloquium presentations, continued attendance by senior candidates remains highly encouraged. The purpose of the colloquia is to give candidates at all stages of training an opportunity to discuss analytic work and clinical issues in a group consultation setting. The write-up of the analytic process with the case serves as the focus of the colloquium and often becomes the basis for the Analytic Process Reports for the final Analytic Process Exam. The colloquia meet for 3 hours each training weekend.

Process Group

Candidates will participate in a training Process Group designed to serve as a forum for experiential learning as well as for peer support. Personal therapy is not the focus, but experiential learning may lead to discoveries that may be processed further in the candidate’s personal analysis. The Process Group is facilitated by a psychotherapist certified by the American Group Psychotherapy Association who plays no role in the analytic training and evaluation of the candidates. The task of this group is to co-create a culture with norms of safety, trust, openness, nonjudgmental feedback, cohesiveness, and encouragement to focus on the affective component of learning. This empathically attuned holding environment tends to reduce stress during analytic training and serves as a safe base from which to deeply explore the ways in which training is affecting each candidate and their work with clients. At each meeting, group members will be invited to contemplate and speak to three questions: How is training affecting me personally? How is training affecting my work with clients? How is this training weekend impacting me in the here-and-now? This type of group experience can protect against institutional splitting and has the potential to lead to lifelong collegial relationships. The confidentiality of the Process Group prohibits facilitators from serving in any evaluative capacity for candidates while in training. The Process Group meets for 3 hours each training weekend.

Community Training Weekends

Two of the nine training weekends in a year are joint meetings of the candidates with the analysts in the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts (CSJA) to hear and engage with one analyst on a subject of mutual interest. Often, one of these weekends occurs at the Institute and the other at an off-site location. One is led by a CSJA analyst and the other is led by an analyst from another society. While these Community Training Weekends provide an opportunity to explore a single topic more deeply, they are also opportunities to build community around mutual professional and personal interests.

Additional Courses

Candidates may take additional courses for mental health professionals offered through the Institute’s Public Programs. All candidates have the option to continue taking courses in the Analyst Training Program after they have completed the required courses of the first four years. Costs for these courses are covered by their ATP tuition.

ATP Handbook

This Analyst Training Program Handbook is your guide to the analytic training at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago. It contains the policies and procedures for the program and is intended to be a guide for your time in the program. Matriculated auditors and candidates at all stages, regardless of the date of admission, are required to follow the current handbook. If after consulting the Handbook you still have questions, please contact the Director of Training for the ATP.


Faculty for the Analyst Training Program consists of members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts (CSJA) and highly-regarded guest lecturers (usually for Community Training Weekends). To view the entire list of CSJA Members, click here.


Typically, the Analyst Training Program (ATP) meets Friday through Sunday on the second weekend of the month, September through April, and the third weekend in May. Dates are subject to change depending on the calendar year. The Program Coordinator can confirm the specific weekends for the upcoming training year.

We have implemented a Hybrid Model to include five training weekends online (October, November, January, February, and April) and four in-person training weekends (September, December, March, and May).

Below is a sample schedule. All times shown in US Central Time (click to enlarge):

Please note:

  • Courses and times may differ from this sample schedule. Candidates will receive the actual schedule for the upcoming training year when it is confirmed.
  • In addition to the monthly ATP training weekends, sessions of the History and Development course currently meet on the first Friday of the month in the afternoon, and a Topics in Analytical Psychology course meets on the third Friday of the month in the morning. The timing of these additional online sessions for the upcoming training year is subject to instructor availability.
  • Community Training Weekends (CTWs) in December and May involve the participation of members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts (CSJA). During the Fall and Spring CTWs, the schedule is modified, and CSJA analysts join the ATP candidates for some of the class sessions.


Tuition for the 2023-2024 year is $5,200 and may increase annually with the cost of living. Tuition includes:

Weekly personal analysis and case consultation are requirements of the ATP; these fees are not included in the tuition. Consultation is limited to no more than $100 per session, to be agreed with the consultant(s). Tuition does not cover the cost of food, travel, books, or other incidentals. Propaedeuticum Exam, Analytic Process Exam, and Thesis Exam fees are additional. Please see Section 12 of the ATP Handbook for further details.

Tuition assistance is available to those who demonstrate financial need.


Applications for the 2024-2025 ATP are now closed. Applications for the 2025-2026 ATP will open October 2024.

Admissions Process

Qualified applicants will interview with the Admissions Committee before being admitted to the program. To see the full 2024–2025 ATP Admissions Process, please read the Analyst Training Program Admissions Process Overview (2024-2025).

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Institute shall not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, ethnic or national origin, age, or physical handicap.

Steps to Apply

For reference, the steps to submit a complete application are outlined below. Once you complete the ATP Application Online Form, all of this will be emailed to you, and we will be in contact with you during the process.

1. Complete the ATP Application Online Form

2. Read the Analyst Training Program Admissions Process Overview

3. Pay the non-refundable $500 application fee

4. Read and e-sign the Analyst Training Program Character and Fitness Affidavit and Attestation

5. Complete the Hours of Analysis Online Form (to be confirmed by your current IAAP-certified analyst, plus additional forms for other analysts with whom you have worked)

6. Email the following to [email protected]:

a. Autobiography (2000 words, typewritten)
b. Curriculum vitae
c. License to practice psychotherapy
d. Malpractice insurance certificate

7. Have academic transcripts sent to [email protected] or mailed to:

C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago
53 W. Jackson Blvd.
Suite 438
Chicago, IL 60604

8. Have letters from three (3) professional references (none of whom are past or current analysts) sent to [email protected] or mailed to the Institute at the address above.

If you have any questions about the Analyst Training Program, please contact us.


Director of Training
Daniel Ross, RN, PMHNP, MSN, MBA
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 224-383-8808

Operations Manager
Barbara Wahler, LCSW
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 312-701-0401

Frequently Asked Questions

We have now returned to in-person events. Please read our COVID-19 Policy for more information about how we are addressing Covid-19.

The Analyst Training Program (ATP) now operates on a “hybrid model,” with the nine monthly training weekends divided between meeting via Zoom (October, November, January, February, and April) and in-person (September, December, March, and May).

The training is a minimum of 4 years. Progress depends on passing exams. If exams are not passed, the candidate will take the exams again after 6 months or a year. For more information, check the ATP Handbook.

We have a Google Maps search engine of members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts to help you find an analyst HERE. However, you don’t need to be in analysis with a CSJA member. You can be in analysis with an analyst from any IAAP-certified group.



This search engine will search our public programs, the Jungianthology Podcast & Blog, and our store.

To search only the store, visit our Store page.

If you’re looking for a Jungian Analyst, use our Find an Analyst search engine or browse the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts page.