
Call for Proposals | Fall 2024 Online & In-Person Programs

The C. G. Jung Institute Chicago welcomes proposals for programs of interest to the general public that explore Jungian thought, including the emotional and psychological issues of contemporary living, from a creative, symbolic, or spiritual perspective. Using the online form you can propose an event, lecture, or workshop to offer in person or virtually. All proposals will be considered for fall 2024. The submission deadline is April 30, 2024.

Update: the form is now closed. Join our mailing list to be informed when we accept proposals again.

Old passwords may need to be reset

If you have not changed your password since May 2022, you may need to reset your password before you can log in.

When we migrated from our old website to this new one last spring, we used a plugin that checked the old website’s database for users’ passwords. This has now been removed, due to conflicts with newer versions of WordPress. If you have an old account and have not updated your password since the migration, you’ll need a new password that is stored in the WordPress database. New users are not affected.

If you have any issues or questions, contact Ben Law at [email protected] or 312.701.0403.

Downloads Migrated to Dropbox

This August, it came to our attention that users were being asked by Microsoft, who was hosting our cloud files, to log into a Microsoft account before allowing them to download their purchases. Due to this unresolved issue with Microsoft, we have migrated all downloads to Dropbox and updated past order links to point the new files. Users should now be able to download purchases without issue.

For more information about downloading purchases from Dropbox, click here.

If you have any questions about this migration or your account, please email [email protected].

Thank you,

Ben Law
Creative Services Manager

Letter from the President | May 9, 2023

Our Spring Fundraising Drive coincides with the completion our first year of in-person classes and events since the COVID crisis.  The predominant feeling this year has been one of joy to be able to be together in person.

It began at our September graduation celebration of five new analysts from the Analyst Training Program.  More recently, our annual “Community Day” presented a day long program on the work of Marie-Louise von Franz at Loyola’s Lakeside Campus.  Our academic year will conclude this June with the graduation celebration of students completing the two-year Jungian Psychotherapy and Jungian Studies Programs.

Group Discussion on Community Day

In May, we are honored to present a lecture by Donald Kalsched “Opening the Closed Heart: A New Look at Jungian Depth Psychology in Light of Trauma, Affect Theory and Defense.” This event is being held at the Union League Club preceded by a Communal Supper and is open to JPP/JSP graduates and to anyone who becomes a member of the Institute. The fee is less than half of the actual cost, thanks to a generous grant from an anonymous donor.

Our podcast, Jungianthology, ranks in the top 50 social science podcasts in the United States on Apple Podcasts and this January passed 1 million downloads. We are working toward consistently publishing two episodes every month to our 10,000 listeners spread over 100 countries.

I am inviting you to join with others in financially supporting our exciting plans for the coming year, which includes welcoming a new cohort for the JPP/JSP two-year program, planning for more online and in person public programs, continued expansion of our podcast, and, of course, continuing the excellence of our Analyst Training Program with the largest number of students in recent memory.

Candidates in the Analyst Training Program

Please visit the Support Us page to learn more details about our programs and when you do, kindly give a generous donation to our Spring Fundraising Drive. Members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts have donated $6,000 as a matching grant to kick things off, but we need your generous contributions to reach a minimum goal of $30,000 to meet our programming needs.  


Dyane N. Sherwood, Ph.D.


Self-Study CE Courses Now Available

We have completed a major website update to allow learners to complete self-study courses for CEs. Self-study courses require that visitors listen to/watch a recording and complete a quiz to receive a CE certificate. CE certificates can be downloaded from your My Account > Courses page at any time.

View our Self-study courses on the Self-Study CE Courses page. Courses and recordings are sold separately. We currently have two self-study courses available, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche and Approaching the Unconscious: The Matrices of Jung’s Analytical Psychology.

Join our mailing list to be informed when new self-study courses are published (a new Self-Study Courses sidebar has been added to our emails).

Learn more:

Diversity Equity and Inclusion Statement of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago

The C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago acknowledges this country’s history of systemic racism and inequality and is committed to understanding and remediating these injustices through study and open discussion at all levels of our organization.  We are dedicated to applying the Jungian concepts of the collective shadow and the cultural complex to better understand how the toxic legacies of slavery, bigotry, and oppression of structural racism permeate our society, our institutions, and our collective and personal psyches. As practitioners of Jungian theory we strive to name and apply concepts of collective and personal shadow, cultural complex, manifested through the dynamics of projection, leading to “othering” and the denial of our shared humanity.  We endeavor to foster an atmosphere that respects, encourages, values and sincerely engages with diversity and difference in all its expressions and forms.  Our member analysts, public members and administrative staff actively support policies of inclusiveness and equity by raising these issues, concerns, and dynamics in classes and meetings.  As a community we also recognize and are mindful of Jung’s writings which contain harmful stereotypic descriptions of groups of people that are racially and culturally biased and prejudiced.  We pledge to initiate, welcome, and maintain ongoing conversations and discussions within our analyst community, with our trainees, and with our broader community of interested participants in all our programming regarding these depictions in Jung’s collective works. 

Statement from the President | April 7, 2021

The C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago is currently closed to all in-person gatherings to ensure the health and safety of our membership and program participants during the Covid-19 pandemic.  All educational programming, meetings, and operations will remain on-line until such time that it is safe to gather in-person once more and there is full use of our Monadnock space.  We continue to monitor the situation closely for the time when we can resume in-person gatherings at the Institute and anticipate that this may happen in 2022.  The decision to return to in-person gatherings will be based on CDC guidelines and State and City mandates.  Appropriate health and safety protocols for vaccinations, mask-wearing, hand sanitizing, and surface-room cleaning will be instituted with the resumption of in-person gatherings.

Please refer back to our website for updates.

Stephanie Buck, President

Statement from the President | January 4, 2021

All classes and public program events are currently being held online due to COVID-19. Our priority is the health and safety of all our members, and we will continue to monitor the pandemic for the time when it is safe to gather once again. We are hopeful that the vaccines now available will enable us to hold in-person classes and events at the Institute in the Fall, but, given the uncertainty of the COVID-19 situation, for the time being, all learning will continue online. The decision to return to in-person meetings will be based on CDC public health guidance and legal mandates for educational organizations regulating size of gatherings, social distancing, mask-wearing, cleaning and sanitation, and vaccinations.

Please refer back to our website for updates.

Stephanie Buck, President

Statement from the President | November 30, 2020

As this year comes to a close and we ask for your financial contribution to our annual Holiday Giving drive, there is much to be grateful for. Despite the devastating impact Covid-19 has had with so many lives lost, and futures destroyed, our Institute community has stayed strong, committed to ensuring that we fulfil our educational mission, the advancement of Analytical Psychology. 

When the dangers of Covid-19 became clear to us, the Institute quickly shifted from in-person education to virtual learning. The dedication and professionalism of everyone involved in our Institute community made this necessary pivot successful. This shift has enabled us to continue our educational mission without pause while providing a greater reach, with people from across the country and the world accessing our educational offerings virtually. The Analyst Training Program and the Public Programs’ lecture series remain uninterrupted, and, new in January 2021, begins a six-month program designed specifically for online learning. Other innovations made to meet the individuation needs of people in this time of pandemic include:

  • Jungianthology Blog: interviews with Jungians around the world, essays by members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts, links to free CE courses, and other interesting initiatives by other groups
  • Jungianthology Podcast: free full-length seminars relevant to the current moment
  • Online Store: 40% price reduction on the purchase of recordings during Chicago’s “shelter in place” order
  • Public Program Series: 40% price reduction

Now more than at any other period in recent history, the education provided by the Institute in the depth psychology originating with C. G. Jung is greatly needed. We live in dark times. The personal transformation fostered through our programs and the social renewal made possible when individual learners do their psychic work within a community is the compensatory light to the deepening darkness of repressed Shadow unleashed we see evident today in our country and worldwide. As Jung reminds us, One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”  The Institute serves the human need for ongoing psychological growth and relational development. Our shared future as a nation, a world community, and perhaps as a planet hinges on this necessary psychic work.

Your financial gift in combination with others’ helps support the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago broaden its educational programming and strengthen community. Your financial support ensures that the Institute will continue as Chicago’s educational leader, providing multi-faceted educational programs in Analytical Psychology. Your financial gift will have lasting value by contributing to the ongoing success of the Institute. Help support, secure, and strengthen our Institute for today, tomorrow and the future. Be a Holiday Gift Giver 2020.

Be well, be safe this winter season and, many thanks,

Stephanie Buck, President

Statement from the President | June 8, 2020


We at the Jung Institute of Chicago are distraught and deeply saddened by the violence and racism directed at people of color. We join in solidarity with all our sisters and brothers who have been the object of ongoing systemic racial discrimination, violence and hatred. We express our deepest sympathy for the deaths of the most recent victims of racial violence, George Floyd , Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and the untold stories of so many who have suffered from the systemic oppression and injustice in our nation.

We astonishingly watch as the world community from Minneapolis, to DC, to London, to Berlin, to Tehran, to Dublin join in protest together – we witness and join the agony and suffering of the world soul responding to the oppression and ubiquitous racism prevalent in our world. We wish to join all peoples hand-in-hand in bringing greater consciousness and change as the fruit of the lives that have been lost through reckless and violent acts of hatred. 

The Jungian community of Chicago acknowledges that it needs to be part of the solution of bringing healing and care and an ongoing response that involves the courage to speak out and address racism in all its disguises. If we are faithful we will transform racism in both ourselves and in our world consciousness!

As sages throughout history have reminded us, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Jesus, Jung and others, that one of the most difficult things is not to change society – but to change ourselves. We all have a purpose and mission, just like our brother, George.

George J. Didier

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About Jungianthology

Jungianthology Radio is home to a variety of podcasts that range from archival seminar recordings (Institute Archives), to interviews (Jung in the World) to discussion on film (Healing Cinema), fairy tales (Jungian Ever After), and our programs.

The Jungianthology Blog shares essays, articles, video, audio, and other resources by members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts and other groups that support the education and development of our community.

The views and opinions expressed in the podcasts and blog posts are those of the respected speakers or authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.



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To search only the store, visit our Store page.

If you’re looking for a Jungian Analyst, use our Find an Analyst search engine or browse the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts page.