Statement from the President | November 30, 2020

As this year comes to a close and we ask for your financial contribution to our annual Holiday Giving drive, there is much to be grateful for. Despite the devastating impact Covid-19 has had with so many lives lost, and futures destroyed, our Institute community has stayed strong, committed to ensuring that we fulfil our educational mission, the advancement of Analytical Psychology. 

When the dangers of Covid-19 became clear to us, the Institute quickly shifted from in-person education to virtual learning. The dedication and professionalism of everyone involved in our Institute community made this necessary pivot successful. This shift has enabled us to continue our educational mission without pause while providing a greater reach, with people from across the country and the world accessing our educational offerings virtually. The Analyst Training Program and the Public Programs’ lecture series remain uninterrupted, and, new in January 2021, begins a six-month program designed specifically for online learning. Other innovations made to meet the individuation needs of people in this time of pandemic include:

  • Jungianthology Blog: interviews with Jungians around the world, essays by members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts, links to free CE courses, and other interesting initiatives by other groups
  • Jungianthology Podcast: free full-length seminars relevant to the current moment
  • Online Store: 40% price reduction on the purchase of recordings during Chicago’s “shelter in place” order
  • Public Program Series: 40% price reduction

Now more than at any other period in recent history, the education provided by the Institute in the depth psychology originating with C. G. Jung is greatly needed. We live in dark times. The personal transformation fostered through our programs and the social renewal made possible when individual learners do their psychic work within a community is the compensatory light to the deepening darkness of repressed Shadow unleashed we see evident today in our country and worldwide. As Jung reminds us, One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light but by making the darkness conscious.”  The Institute serves the human need for ongoing psychological growth and relational development. Our shared future as a nation, a world community, and perhaps as a planet hinges on this necessary psychic work.

Your financial gift in combination with others’ helps support the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago broaden its educational programming and strengthen community. Your financial support ensures that the Institute will continue as Chicago’s educational leader, providing multi-faceted educational programs in Analytical Psychology. Your financial gift will have lasting value by contributing to the ongoing success of the Institute. Help support, secure, and strengthen our Institute for today, tomorrow and the future. Be a Holiday Gift Giver 2020.

Be well, be safe this winter season and, many thanks,

Stephanie Buck, President

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About Jungianthology

Jungianthology Radio is home to a variety of podcasts that range from archival seminar recordings (Institute Archives), to interviews (Jung in the World) to discussion on film (Healing Cinema), fairy tales (Jungian Ever After), and our programs.

The Jungianthology Blog shares essays, articles, video, audio, and other resources by members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts and other groups that support the education and development of our community.

The views and opinions expressed in the podcasts and blog posts are those of the respected speakers or authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.



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