Speaking of Jung Podcast | COVID-19: Interview with Dennis Merritt

Speaking of Jung, a podcast by Laura London, is a wonderful series of interviews with Jungian Analysts. In a recent episode, she interviewed Dennis Merritt, member of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts, about his recent blog post, “Covid-19: Inflection Point in the Anthropocene Era and the Paradigm Shift of Jung’s New Age“. More information about the episode is available HERE.

Dennis Merritt, Ph.D., LCSW has an MA in Humanistic Psychology, a PhD in Insect Pathology from UC-Berkeley, and is a graduate of the Zurich Jung Institute.  He practices as a Jungian analyst, sandplay therapist, and ecopsychologist in Madison and Milwaukee, WI. He authored four volumes of The Dairy Farmer’s Guide to the Universe – Jung, Hermes, and Ecopsychology. His influences include D. W. Winnicott, complexity theory, the I Ching, and Native American ceremonies, in which he has participated for over 30 years.

Speaking of Jung is available through a variety of podcasting platforms and apps, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, Spotify, and iHeartRadio. Just search for “Speaking of Jung” in your favorite podcasts app to subscribe on your mobile device. You can also listen on YouTube.

Links: The Speaking of Jung Podcast Website | This Episode of Speaking of Jung | The Speaking of Jung YouTube ChannelDennis Merritt’s Website | Dennis Merritt’s Page on the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago Website

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