Martin, Patricia

Entering the Path: The Journey of Individuation with Andrea Gaspar Gonzalez and Daniel Ross

When life is about to branch in a new direction, the unconscious sends us signs and symbols to tell us we’re embarking. This podcast features Jungian analyst Daniel Ross and Andrea Gaspar-Gonzalez, talking with host Patricia Martin about the ways the unconscious cooperates to guide us on the path of individuation. As co-directors of the Jungian Studies/Jungian Psychotherapy Program, they share poignant personal stories to explain the mysterious early signs that a new direction is being called for in the process individuation.


Jung in the World | Exploring the Mystery of Transformation with Murray Stein

Transformation of the self is mysterious, whether it comes about gradually or suddenly. The essence of the process is buried in the unconscious. In this interview, Murray Stein sheds light on key dimensions of transformation based on his recent book, The Mystery of Transformation. In conversation with host Patricia Martin, they cover topics such as the individuation process, the union of anima and animus, and how the deep work of psychological transformation makes us whole.

The video of this interview is available on YouTube.


Jung in the World | Mythology and the Age of the Heroine with Maria Tatar

Renowned folklorist and Harvard scholar Maria Tatar joins host Patricia Martin to discuss her latest book, Heroine with 1,001 Faces. In this interview, Tatar unearths the forgotten legacy of the heroine’s quest, which parallels Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey, and illuminates the social significance of the heroine as an archetype for our times.

The video of this interview is available on YouTube.


Jung in the World | Marion Woodman as a Mentor with Elaine Mansfield

This month, Jung in the World is presenting a weekly series on Marion Woodman, Canadian mythopoetic author, poet, Jungian Analyst, and women’s movement figure.

In this episode, Patricia Martin talks with author Elaine Mansfield about her years-long relationship with Marion Woodman that began with a workshop. As a nutritionist and women’s health counselor for 25 years, Mansfield sheds light on Woodman’s approach to teaching as more like a transmission- a living experience- that transforms a person, body and soul. 

Link to video

Marion Woodman Book List

If you’re interested in Marion Woodman, you may like Soul in Exile, available in our store.


Jung in the World | What Soul Tells the Body: Marion Woodman’s Discovery with Tina Stromsted

This month, Jung in the World is presenting a weekly series on Marion Woodman, Canadian mythopoetic author, poet, Jungian Analyst, and women’s movement figure.

In this episode, Patricia Martin interviews Tina Stromsted PhD, who was a student of Marion Woodman’s somatic therapy work. Over the years of studying and collaborating with Marion, the two became friends and colleagues. In this interview, Tina opens up about what it was like to work with Marion Woodman, offering rare insight into the practices Woodman developed to help people achieve wholeness, body and soul. 

Unfortunately, there was an issue with the video recording so we are not able to share the video of this interview.

For a list of Tina Stromsted’s publications, go here

Marion Woodman Book List

If you’re interested in Marion Woodman, you may like Soul in Exile, available in our store.


Jung in the World | Marion Woodman & the Transformative Power of Uncertainty with David Clark

For the next month, Jung in the World is presenting a weekly series on Marion Woodman, Canadian mythopoetic author, poet, Jungian Analyst, and women’s movement figure. In this episode, Patricia Martin interviews Dr. David Clark, Professor in the Department of English and Cultural Studies and Associate Member of the Department of Health, Aging and Society at McMaster University, and long-time friend of Marion Woodman. In this interview he shares rare insights into Woodman’s approach to life and work.

For this series, we will be sharing the videos of the interviews on YouTube: David Clark Interview Video

Marion Woodman Book List

If you’re interested in Marion Woodman, you may like Soul in Exile, available in our store.


Jung in the World | Jung, Wonder Woman, and the Psychology of Myth with Laura Vecchiolla

In this episode, Patricia Martin interviews Laura Vecchiolla, clinical psychologist and graduate of the Jungian Psychotherapy Program at the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago. Their discussion touches on:

  • Jung’s obsession with mythology
  • Mythology – Freud vs Jung
  • What does archetypal mean?
  • Image vs story
  • Wonder Woman
  • Hero’s journey
  • Glory seeking vs caretaking
  • Underestimation of women
  • Harry Potter/Hermione
  • Androgynous archetypes
  • Mainstream representation
  • Healing mythology

Jung in the World: Jung, The Mythology of Pan, and Panic Culture: Interview with Ryan Maher

In this episode, Patricia Martin interviews Ryan Maher, MA, LMHC, LCPC, and graduate of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago’s Jungian Psychotherapy Program. In this discussion, they touch on:

  • Symbolism of the Forest in ancient and modern contexts
  • “Panic” and irrational states of mind
  • Paul Robichaud’s Pan: The Great God’s Modern Return
  • Self-regulation
  • Jung’s concept of reflection as an instinct
  • Dissociation from nature and instincts
  • Integration of the irrational
  • Transformation
  • James Hillman

Listener’s may be interested in Ryan’s presentation The Forest, The Witch & Pan – Psyche’s Need for Wilderness and Enchantment for the Myth Salon on YouTube, which is mentioned in this interview.


Jung in the World | C. G. Jung & the Modernist Revolution with Roula-Maria Dib

During our Holiday Giving Drive we are presenting a series of interviews called Jung in the World. In this episode, Patricia Martin interviews Roula-Maria Dib, creative writer and literary scholar, who views Carl Jung as a modernist and has written about the power of the modernist moment in history to give rise to the discipline of psychology. Her book, Jungian Metaphor in Modernist Literature, creates a new context for understanding Carl Jung’s work and his most important theories: the context of the collective in which he lived. In this discussion, they touch on:

  • The development of Modernism
  • Finding wholeness through art
  • Jung’s Collected Works & his literary sense
  • Active imagination
  • The symbol
  • The collective unconscious
  • Deconstruction and integration
  • Reading the Jungian way

Jung in the World | Eros and the Archetypal Pursuit of Healing Love with Maci Daye, Certified Sex Therapist

Love was a great mystery to C. G. Jung. It is thought that his pursuit of love and the feminine aspect of his psyche was an animating force in his famous red book. Maci Daye, trained psychologist, certified sex therapist, and author of Passion and Presence: A Couples Guide to Awakened Intimacy & Mindful Sex. Maci’s work delves into the deep roots of love and why eros is a profound path to individuation.


Jung in the World | The Discipline to Stay with the Symbol: Interview with Director of Training Warren Sibilla

In this episode, Patricia Martin interviews Warren W. Sibilla, Jr, Jungian Psychoanalyst and the new Director of Training for the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago’s Analyst Training Program. How does someone know they are ready for training? What is the process of development in training like? What does Jungian analysis and study bring to someone’s life and practice?

Dr. Sibilla is an athlete who competes in endurance sports like the Ironman and Spartan Obstacle Race. How has this discipline manifested in Dr. Sibilla’s own analytic practice? Does that lead to a particular framing about the practice of psychology and analysis? In this discussion they touch on:

The Symbol
The Unconscious
The Self
The Shadow
Analytic Training


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About Jungianthology

Jungianthology Radio is home to a variety of podcasts that range from archival seminar recordings (Institute Archives), to interviews (Jung in the World) to discussion on film (Healing Cinema), fairy tales (Jungian Ever After), and our programs.

The Jungianthology Blog shares essays, articles, video, audio, and other resources by members of the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts and other groups that support the education and development of our community.

The views and opinions expressed in the podcasts and blog posts are those of the respected speakers or authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago.



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