Zabriskie, Beverley

Beverley Zabriskie, MSW is a Jungian Analyst in New York
City, where she is a founding faculty member and former President of the
Jungian Psychoanalytic Association (JPA). She is a frequent national
and international lecturer, and is the author of numerous journal
articles and book chapters, including “A Meeting of Rare Minds”, the
Preface to Atom and Archetype. The Pauli-Jung Correspondence.(2001,
Princeton University Press,) Her most recent essays include “Energy and
Emotion: C. G. Jung’s Fordham Declaration” (In press, 2015, Spring
Journal Books) in Jung in the Academy and Beyond: The Fordham Lectures 100 Years later, “Time and Tao in Synchronicity” in The Pauli-Jung Conjecture and Its Impact Today (2014, Imprint Academic); “Psychic
energy and synchronicity” (April 2014, Journal of Analytical Psychology)
As the 2007 Fay Lecturer at Texas A&M University, she presented the
lecture series, Emotion and Transformation: From Myth to Neuroscience.
She was named 2002 Psychoanalytic Educator of the Year for the
International Federation of Psychoanalytic Education.

Showing all 6 results

  • Who Do We Think We Are? The Mystery and Muddle of Gender


    10 Hours 2 Minutes
    Transcripts Included

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  • The Alchemy of Gender


    1 hour 18 minutes
    Transcript Included

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  • From Ashes to Ash, Dust to Stardust: The Ins and Outs, Ups and Downs of Alchemical Soul


    1 hour 15 minutes

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  • Insights of Egyptian Creation Myths


    2 hours 10 minutes

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  • Toward Something Larger and Greater: The Initiations of Love


    52 minutes

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  • Betrayal: The Way of the Snake


    1 hour 20 minutes

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