The Father’s Anima as a Clinical and Symbolic Problem

with John Beebe, MD.

In this lecture, Dr. Beebe explores a neglected area in analytical psychology, the influence of the father’s unconscious upon the later development of the son. Jung’s analytical psychology offers insight into the way a father’s feminine side influences the formation of the anima of the son. It was recorded on February 2nd, 1984 and includes the original introduction by Murray Stein.

beebejohnJohn Beebe, MD a physician specializing in psychotherapy, is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a past president of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. He is the author of Integrity in Depth, editor of C. G. Jung’s Aspects of the Masculine, and co-author of The Presence of the Feminine in Film. He is the founding editor of The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal (now titled Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche), and a was the first American co-editor of the London-based Journal of Analytical Psychology. An international lecturer is widely known for his work on psychological types, the psychology of moral process, and the Jungian understanding of film. Recently he has been engaged in training the first generation of analytical psychologists in China.

Audio issue: The microphone in the original event was too sensitive, which caused loud distortions when the speaker got too close to it. We have done what we can to make those less obtrusive, but you will still hear them.

Other talks by John Beebe:
A New Model of Psychological Types
The Conscience of the Post-Modern Artist

Creative Commons License
©  John Beebe. This podcast is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You may share it, but please do not change it, sell it, or transcribe it.

Episode music is by Michael Chapman

2 Responses

  1. I found this fascinating subject hardly ever discussed between man and son, and wonder how more can be said about this subject. Being a Christian, this helped me incredibly as I am aware of these figures. John mentioned some books in the broadcast but was difficult to get these references, as audio was difficult for me. Is it possible to get information on the books. One particular book John mentioned was a book of stories of biblical characters that immensely popular. Am an avid Jungian reader but took just about all of my life to realise what John discussed and wonder what it will open up for me. Not ever been under an analyst, I do not have a channel to discuss further. Even men would find hard to discuss this subject and do not know a Preacher who would have the time. What would you suggest? Please thank John as it is a light that have been searching for in my – hero father, yet background not an eminent one, mother institutionalised in early infancy and life after – a stress in parents.

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